Saturday, November 29, 2008

Off the road and back at home.

Man, I had a fantastic Thanksgiving vacation, I hope you all had the same.

I didn't get nearly as much crochet done as I had hoped though.  All of that socializing and not being a hermit and those two fifteen hour drives kind of distracted me....

I made good time getting home today though so I was able to get the second blanket finished tonight.  

I'll dive into blanket number three tomorrow.

Hope you all have a wonderful week...I am headed for bed because I am one pooped craftster.


Sunday, November 23, 2008

Happy Holiday thoughts.

Huzzah!  I have one blanket completely done, and I am halfway done with the squares for the second.  

I may or may not push through and try to complete all of the squares today, we shall see.  I definitely think I can get the blanket finished by the end of this week, and hopefully get started on the third.

Here are some photos for you.

This is a detail of the corner and border:

And this is the whole blanket.

I am pretty happy with how it came out.  Hopefully its intended owner will enjoy it as well!

Well, I wish everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving week and holiday!  I'll be heading out on Tuesday to Tennessee to visit my dad and sis and step-sis.  Should be a good time, as long as I can get through the fourteen hour drive to get there!

Anyhoo, take care y'all!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

I just might pull this off.

I have all of the squares for the first baby blanket done, huzzah!  Now I just need to put them together and then do the border.  

Then I only have to make two more blankets.  Of course I also need to figure out how to get the babies' names put on the blankets.  I have an idea on that but I am going to wait until I have all three blankets proper completed.  

Anyhoo, I am off to go start assembling.  I hope you all have a wonderful week!


Sunday, November 9, 2008

Babies Galore!

Okay, so you may remember me mentioning a while back that a friend at work asked me to make a baby blanket for her pending niece/nephew.  Well, this has somehow morphed into three baby blankets for children of her various siblings.  But hey, I like a challenge, so I was game.  

Well, I now finally have (almost) all of the supplies assembled, and enough to actually begin the blankets.  I am making two variations on the Triangles afghan pattern.  I have dropped a row from the original pattern and changed up its color scheme, but otherwise I will actually be following the pattern.  I am kind of excited about that, actually, because while I've adapted the squares this pattern calls for quite often, I've yet to actually make a blanket using the pattern itself.  

So I am all set this afternoon to get started, huzzah!

To give you an idea of what my alterations to the pattern will look like, here are the "maps" I've drawn up for myself.  

This is for the pattern using yellow as the primary color.  I will be making one in this color scheme.

Here are the colors for that scheme.  Well, almost, I realized after I had already uploaded the pictures that this one has green in it instead of blue, but imagine that the green skein is the blue seen further down and you'll have the idea.
Here's the map for the blanket that will be primarily green.  I am making two of these.

Here are the colors for this scheme (and hey, they're all correct in this photo, yay).

I think this is going to come out really well.  I will keep you updated as it progresses.  

I hope all is well in your world!

Until next time, 

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Ooh, a project!

So, you may have noticed I did not post last week.  (hides head in shame)  Hmm, well, that might have just been because I didn't actually crochet anything that week.  Ergh.  See, I have four blankets I want to make for Christmas, and I have ordered the yarn for three of them (baby blankets), but I am waiting for the yarn to get here.  I really don't want to get started on anything that's going to suck me in until I have those finished, since they are for other people.  So, I have been reluctant to pick up any new projects lately.  Sigh.  I am one of those people who can really only do one project at once, unfortunately.  Also, I am dawdling on my sweater swatch because I really want it to come out right, but I do not have a whole lot of confidence in my sweater-making ability.  So...I've been dragging my feet.

This past week was a little better though.  I had been trying to figure out how I was going to carry my essentials (you know, ID, phone, chapstick, camera, etc.) to the bar for my husband's Halloween show.  My costume didn't have any pockets.  I was wearing kind of a medieval peasant dress with this awesome red cape, and it dawned on me, hey, I could carry a basket and be Red Riding Hood!  So I was rolling with that for a bit but then I realized I really didn't want to carry a basket around a bar all night (also, even though I don't drink, odds were I would drop it because I am a klutz...and that would just be bad, my iPhone would no likey).  

That's when I came up with the solution of crocheting up a little drawstring bag that I could tie around my wrist and forget about until I needed it.  

I grabbed some brown scrap felt I had (leftover from a long ago project that involved making stuffed trees, maybe one day I'll tell y'all that story) and sewed up a little cup shaped liner.  Then I took some brown yarn and some red yarn and crocheted up a little bag to go around the liner.  I did the yarn as double strand and I think it came out pretty cool looking.  But don't take my word for it, judge for yourseves:

I was really happy with how it came out.  Plus, it worked very well.  This may end up just being my show bag, seriously.  

This was my first try with doing double-strand crochet and I really liked that.  I think I may utilize that for the fourth Christmas blanket I want to make.  Now I just need to settle on the colors for that.  

I should see the first package of my yarn for the baby blankets come in the mail this week, so next week I'll probably show you the plan for those.  Hopefully all of the yarn will arrive soon.  I ended up having to order from two different stores because JoAnn's didn't have enough of the yarn I planned to use for the border, so I ordered that yarn from another site.  So that's two packages...then I see where JoAnn has charged me for my order from them, but it is not the full price of the order.  This leads me to believe that some of my yarn was on backorder (groan) and will be shipping separately, but I haven't gotten my shipping email notice yet, so I don't know for sure.  This may be the death knell for me ordering yarn online from JoAnn's or from the other site.  We'll have to see.  

Well, that's all I've got for you this week.  I hope all is well and that your projects are coming along nicely with no snags.  Take care!

Oh, and in case you're wondering, here I am in my costume from Friday, though sans cape:

Later y'all,