Eep, sorry to disappear on you for a bit there, folks. It's been a bit nuts.
Here's a quick update on my current project. I have eight squares and the border left to do for my step-father's blanket. I am hoping to get this completed by the end of the week. I just took last week off for no good reason. Well, okay, actually I was cleaning the house most of the week, but still.
Here's a picture of the blanket so far, so you can get an idea of what it will look like:

I have all of the multi squares finished and joined together, as well as the top and bottom rows of solid grey. I just need to finish the two side rows. I have four squares of one side done, I just need to do two more and join it to the rest of the blanket then do the other side.
After that I can do my February square for the swap my sister and I are doing.
Next up is a one-skein project for an event my mom's yarn store in Illinois is having next month. I am going up to visit her and it turns out that I will be there during the event so she sent me a lovely skein of yarn if I'd like to participate. I think I am going to try to make wrist warmers, but we shall see.
I also have another small project I would like to make before I head up to see my mom, but more on that later.
Also, yesterday my yarn came for my next round of projects! I have decided to give Amigurumi (those little Japanese critters) a try. I've got supplies and patterns for two different penguins and a giraffe. Sweet.
I also ordered some of Lion Brand Studio's new cotton-bamboo yarn to try to make a shell. It is super soft and silky, I am excited to try to work with it.
So I definitely have enough to keep myself busy. Guess I need to go get on that, huh?
I hope you all are doing well!
Take care,